Trey's Amigos

We post, we elaborate, we run the topic into the ground. You comment. Simple. Hope it makes you think.

Wednesday, March 8

Conditioner is better! I make the hair silky and smooth...

a response to Dre's "Stop looking at me swan!" -posted on 03.07.06

fun n. 1. A source of enjoyment, amusement, or plaeasure.
2. Enjoyment; amusement: have fun at the beach.
3. Playful, often noisy, activity.

[Possibly from fon, to make a fool of, from Middle English fonnen, to
fool , possibly from fonne, fool.]

Usage Note: The use of fun as an attributive adjective, as in a fun time, a fun place, probably originated in a playful reanalysis of the use of the word in sentences such as it is fun to ski, where fun has the syntactic function of adjectives such as amusing or enjoyable. The usage became popular in the 1950s and 1960s, though there is some evidence to suggest that it has 19th-century antecedents, but it can still raise eyebrows among traditionalists. The day may come when this usage is entirely unremarkable, but writers may want to avoid it in more formal contexts.

fun adj. providing enjoyment; pleasantly entertaining; "an amusing speaker"; "a diverting story"; "a fun thing to do" [syn: amusing, amusive, diverting, fun(a)] n. 1: activities that are enjoyable or amusing; "I do it for the fun of it"; "he is fun to have around" [syn: merriment, playfulness] 2: verbal wit (often at another's expense but not to be taken seriously); "he became a figure of fun" [syn: play, sport] 3: violent and excited activity; "she asked for money an then the fun began"; "they began to fight like fun" 4: a disposition to find (or make) causes for amusement; "her playfulness surprised me"; "he was fun to be with" [syn: playfulness]

-taken from here.

Fun, I want to have your baby. You are so free and exciting and full of wonder and amazement. You comfort me when no one else is around and help me make friends when I know no one. You make me smile.

"I Love fun"
Something about this phrase in Dre's post disturbs me a little and I can't put my finger on it. Perhaps it is because I too love fun and am a little disturbed by that characteristic about myself. I think fun is great, but isn't there so much more to life then just this. If I had a chance to choose between any adam sandler movie and hotel rwanda, I would hope that I would be strong enough to choose hotel rwanda every day over any adam sandler flick. I don't really know why I would hope this for myself. I think laughing and smiling are very healing to the soul and are needed. I just hope that I would choose to educate myself over desiring a laugh. Hurt and Sadness are what make me want to change the world and be a better person. Laughter and things that make me feel good almost blind me to those things. it's like I'm putting a veil over my eyes just to be comfortable when it's only when I let the light in that I can see.



Blogger Nguyen said...

"Fun, I want to have your baby"

All I'm saying is... I better see a ring on your finger before you be poppin out them babies, girl. And what in the world is the last name going to be?

5:46 PM  
Blogger Shonnie Lewis Streder said...

hahaha....definitely had to do with something you would've seen had you come to nomad nights like I thought you were going to. It will make sense to andrei and josh.

11:52 PM  
Blogger The Dre said...

plus everyone knows that shonnie is going to marry a dude named Sanderson... (as it goes well with her first name, otherwise she'll keep lewis... lets keep a look out for a guy with a good last name to compliment Shonnie's...

ps Loved the "inside joke"...

1:17 AM  

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