Trey's Amigos

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Tuesday, April 25

A List Before Dying (a response to Joel's Blog by the same name)

My good buddy Joel ( asked me last night, "what are five things that you want to do before you die". So I took a few moments and a drive to McDonalds to pick up 2 hot and spicy McChicken Sandwiches (only a dollar each not the Priemium Chicken Sandwiches which are like $3.50 and they're not even as good as the one dollar ones), when I came back to his house I had my five.

Today I read Joel's blog, and I enjoyed it a lot, however, it wasn't what I thought It'd be. I didn't understand the question as "What are the five events or locations you can't allow yourself to miss out on" before you die. I understood the question more as "what five things would I want to accomplish before I die. What are my dreams and goals?" Actually sitting and typing it out, I'm not 100% sure my list fits the criteria above. But I'm pretty lazy and don't want to have to write out a whole new list...

here's my list of 5 things I wanna do before I die... (and just to reassure everyone, I dont' think I'm dying any time soon, for the record...)

(I usually like writing top 10 lists or top 5 in reverse order, but this one is specail so I going to put the most important thing first.)

1. Lead Someone To Christ- This is the only one that truly matters. Living for Christ and His service and purpose is THE ONLY THING that will make our lives worthy or signficant. I'd love to be the instrument that the Lord uses to bring someone into His Kingdom by using me to share the gospel and that person accepting it. This is what we should be striving toward, by letting people see Christ in us by the way we love them and each other.

2. See My Child Born- I'm not a sicko, I don't want to see a random lady delivering a baby. I don't think that I could handel it. I'd poop and vomit on myself simultaniously. But if my wife is pregnant you better belive that there's nowhere else on earth that I'd rather be, than to witness our child being born. It'd be gross but nothing that I'd miss on earth. (Even if the Dallas Cowboys were in the super bowl I don't miss it... we'd just be playing the game during the delivary... J/J)

3. I'd like to be on a movie set from start to finish. I've worked as an extra, where I'll come in for like a 2 or 3 days, and I'm gone. That is really fun, but I'd love to be on a set for the whole production. I don't have any overt desire to direct or produce, which would keep me on the set at all times. I'd just like a job that has me on set for more than a few days. I'd like the opportunity to get to know all or at least some of the cast and crew.

4. I'd also like to open up a restaurant with Nguyen and other friends. I really want to work with friends for my life. It'd be like work and play at the same time!!!! Isn't that the coolest idea ever? I would be dissapointed if we all lived our lives to the ripe old age of 88 (or something) and didn't have some kind of buisness together (preferably a restaurant because A) we could eat our own food and B) we could stay up all night playing cards and making fun of Watson or Jim Yancy.

5. I'd like to attend The Academy Awards. That would be one of the hightlights of my life. I was going to put in this slot, (see one of every pro sporting events in the US.) But I've already seen an NBA game (I was pretty young but Dominic Wilkins winked at me...), and NFL game (the Saints vs Packers a few years ago, Favre trew 2 TD passes and had like 3 fumbles and on INT. typical Favre). And when I was a 5 year old Romanian Immigrant we went to a Philadelphia Phillies game. (Though, seriously I was too young to remember so it doesn't really count...) but the point is that I only lack hockey and major league soccer ('cause I'm not counting the WNBA as being a real pro sport). AND I've been to a Wrestlemania! So the Oscars are where I am setting my heart next. The Super Bowl of Hollywood, with all the left wing propaganda to boot.

So that's my list. Your turn Shonnie... I know you don't write a ton on here, but me and Nguyen will take up your slack...

dre :)


Blogger Nguyen said...

i only know of shonnie, dre, and nguyen... who's joel and why is he responded to here?


11:26 PM  

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