This Whole Thing Is My Fault!!!!! (A response to Shonnie's Blog Top 10) (Part 1)
I betrayed my peeps... in Trey's Amigos... a little over a year ago... It was never Jrey's Amigos, Or Trey's Amigols... it was Trey's Amigos. (For further analysis read the post entitled "A List Before Dying" and the comment posted by Nguyen.)
Now that I know that I was a MAJOR JERK (and have been absolved of my Jerk-ness by my fellow Amigos!) I'm going to attempt a top 10 list, of "important things" (even though I've had a year to prepare for this... I'm not exactly sure what format this is going to take... but it's going to be a fun adventure).
1.) God's Love- in the immortal words of Kirk Franklin' "I can't explain it/ I can't contain it/ Jesus your love is so amazing."
I don't understand how or why God can and does love us fallen humans, weak vessels, AND on top of that He uses us for His Glory! We fail daily, often times hourly, we lose faith and don't trust Him, even when we claim to, and in return He loves us and continues to give us the best He can offer us, Himself. Furthermore, we can hold firm to His promise that he is bigger than our screw ups... He'll make "robes form our rags" and He'll do it for our good and His Glory! Yay GOD!
2.) Friend's Forgiveness- I'm thankful for my friends in general... I have been blessed with an overabundance of them... I praise the Lord for every single one of them, and I've learned SOOOO much about Him and life because of them. Sometimes you do stupid things, sometimes you make mistakes, sometimes you single-handedly cause the near downfall of the greatest blog this world has ever known! And when it's revealed that you've been a big JERK, your friends forgive you and welcome you back into the fold. It's fun! It's nice! It's how life should be! It's how God wants us to relate to one another.
Because of our sin nature we all "fall short of the Glory of God". But it's nice to know that when a friend falls short, the others are there to pick them up, to grieve with them, and t0 help them along. It's what we've all done for one another and we'll continue to do so because God calls us to, and we actually WANT to because, we're friends! Yay Friends!
3) Parent's Wisdom- every once in a while (not often) :) you get into a pickle in which you need your parent's advice, guidance, support, and past experiences to help you through a tight spot. Today I called my mom, and she and I had a tremendously good conversation. She's a super kind lady, really funny, really intuitive, and flys off the cuff and makes snap decisions... so sometimes, I take her advice or judgment with a grain of salt. However, I come to find that 97% of the time she's right on the money. She's got an intuition and a way of expressing it (and she repeats herself ad nauseum, and it kinda waters down the poignancy of the message) but her words are for the most part steeped in truth, and wise council. I'd be wise to remember this about my mom and delight in her words more than I do sometimes... Yay Mom...
.... Okay, I'm at the library and have to be back at work in 45 minutes and I have to eat too... so this is alls I got for now... but rest assured I'm coming back to finish what I started... (and at some point (a year from now... j/k) I'll respond to "Is Ignorance Bliss?") But first things first... I have to wash Shonnie and Nguyen's car for a year... and cook them stir fry and Moo Goo Gai Pan, at least 3 times... so I guess I'll get started on that too... :) Then they'll think of giving me my access back to Trey's Amigos...
I like the way this is going!
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